
Mock Test-UGC NET Population studies
Mock Test Population Studies

How to Crack UGC NET Population Studies doing Mock Test?

Though it may seem difficult, you are able to succeed in preparing for the UGC NET Population Studies exam! Our goal is to improve the efficiency and smoothness of the journey. Introducing our free online mock exam designed just for candidates interested in UGC NET Population Studies.

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  • Extensive Coverage: Every important subject and idea mentioned in the UGC NET Population Studies syllabus is covered in our mock exam. We cover everything from population policies to demographic theory.
  • Realistic Exam Simulation: Take advantage of our expertly designed mock test to get a feel for the exam-like setting. It ensures there are no surprises on test day by assisting you in becoming acquainted with the format, time limits, and question types of the exam.
  • Explanation and Detailed Answer Key: We don’t simply offer solutions; we also explain the logic behind them. In this manner, you will fully grasp the subject in addition to knowing whether or not you answered a question correctly.
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Population studies Mock Test 1

1 / 10

Which of the following identified as target indicators under the Poshan Abhiyan?
(a) Prevent and reduce stunting in children (0-6 years)
(b) Reduce low birth Rate
(c) Reduce prevalence of anemia among women and men
(d) Reduce underweight in children

2 / 10

What is the male literacy percentage of India according to the 2011 census?

3 / 10

Which among the following is the ‘Boserupian’ response to higher population growth than resource

4 / 10

Which of the following indicators could be developed from the census of India 2011 to establish the fact that females are the head of the household in the absence of the male

5 / 10

Which of the following is the carrier of Dengue disease?

6 / 10

Which one of the following are dimensions of geographic data?

7 / 10

Which of the following hypothesis proposed that migration is a natural outgrowth of disruption and dislocations that occur in the process of cabalistic development?

8 / 10

The lx column of a life table refers to one of the following

9 / 10

Which of the following falls under perinatal mortality

10 / 10

Which of the following inputs are needed for doing a population projection using the cohort component method?
(a) Age & sex distribution of population at the base year
(b) Age specific mortality rates of the base year
(c) Age-specific out migration rates of the base year
(d) Age-specific fertility rates of the base year

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The average score is 48%


Population studies Mock Test 2

1 / 10

Which one of the following is not ‘one of the six’ pillars of intervention under India Newborn Action Plan (INAP) ?

2 / 10

In a life Table with a radix of 1,00,000, the median age at death corresponding to lx is

3 / 10

Assertion (A) : Female babies lack access to critical neo-natal care in India.
Reasoning (R) : Son preference in India is very strong.

4 / 10

Which one of the following methods used to compute Mean Age at Marriage (SMAM) from census data ?

5 / 10

If a population increases by 2.5% every year, how many years it will take to double its population ?

6 / 10

According to World Health Organisation (WHO)’s the Global Burden of Diseases (GBD) estimates, which one of the following weight is used in a disabling condition equivalent to death ?

7 / 10

Assertion (A) : In high income countries, the source of employment for women are the health and education factors.
Reason (R) : In low income and lower middle income countries, agriculture remains the most important source of employment.

8 / 10

The crude death rate in a life Table is calculated using which of the following expression ?

9 / 10

Which among the following combination best describes the Gender Stereotyping ?
(a) Women are rational
(b) Men are stronger
(c) Women are less committed for public life

10 / 10

The ‘Plan Holiday’ was observed between which of the following Five-Year plans ?

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The average score is 61%


Population studies Mock Test 3

1 / 9

What is typical cycle of urbanization according to Kingsley Davis ?

2 / 9

Assertion (A) : A demographic dividend is the potential for economic growth that can result from shifts in a population age-structure.
Reason (R) : A demographic dividend is linked to a demographic transition, which begins when child and infant death rates decreases in response to increased access to vaccines, antibiotics, safe water, sanitation and better nutrition

3 / 9

Who among the following defined natural fertility as the marital fertility prevailing in a population in the absence of any deliberate birth control ?

4 / 9

Which one of the following concept is not related to fertility studies ?

5 / 9

Which of the following is related to ‘The Harod – Domar growth model’ ?

6 / 9

Which among the following has been introduced for the first time in NFHS – 4 ?

7 / 9

Assertion (A) : Unintended pregnancy is generally high among young women.
Reason (R) : In recent years, young women have high equitable gender role.

8 / 9

The first Population Census of England and France was carried out in which among the following year ?

9 / 9

How many categories have been recommended for matrital status by United Nation (UN) ?

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The average score is 58%


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